Sunday, September 30, 2007

Silence is golden...

Silence is golden…it begets gold?
I sew my mouth with it, waiting for the gold to follow…
And tick, tick, tick…the clock moves on…
The gold never follows!
I wait for time, more time….
Beat by beat…pulse by pulse…
What will follow?
Surely the gold I had been promised?
Today or tomorrow?
Silence leads me on,
In a dumb vacancy I wait…
Imprisoned in a silent hollow…
May be the gold lies beneath,
My prize…bursting in a furrow?
I dig and dig and dig…
Sinking deeper
In my dark burrow…
Till my veins spit out blood,
And hot tears follow…
How can I be blind any longer?
Rewarded with rubies and pearls…
A fool…
Waiting for plain gold to follow..!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Widening Gyre...

They say it all moves
Inside the widening gyre…
Spinning breathlessly, going down, deep down…
My birth, those memories, good days and good deeds,
They are all in the gyre now.
When they can’t feed their bloated bellies
They leave themselves in the mouth of the widening gyre.
The lost answers, the bliss, the illusion of togetherness…
You need to fetch them from the maddening gyre.
The dead must be in the gyre too,
Waiting in a dizzy swim for more company…
The rain, the clouds, the tears,
They are all lurking in the belly of the gyre.
It widens, engulfs, spins endlessly…
Ravaging the domain of life.
Will you run now?
Should I run too?
Run and stretch the ever-widening gyre?

Its not death...

Its not death yet,
Not even a parched eternity…
The red Sun can’t swallow my ends
The mocking beams can't prick my conscience any more.
I don’t need to hide from the light,
The clouds have avenged me!
I am the slimy, cleansed mud,
Washed, sifted, freshly-coloured,
Desiring to be strong, defiant,
Moulded anew,
By destiny’s hands.
Ah! But don’t tell me!
Do I need the Sun again?

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Saviour...

The Night opens her dark eyes,
The wild waves respond
Gathering like a demon…
I am attacked and splashed and beaten…
Abandoned on a naked shore
Waiting to be discovered and warmed
By the unfaithful Sun…