Thursday, April 15, 2010


The last time that a dream knocked,
I was busy counting leaves
Falling from the brown Eucalyptus.
I never could make way for Hope
To drop by on a Sunday afternoon,
When nostalgia and loneliness
Would descend to fill my home with
Their heavy murmur.

There is nothing to know,
Let all of them be.
Like our usual
There is a 'you' left.
And there is half a 'me'.
Between us is the melting bridge,
Built of sunshine and dews,
On that evanescent rainbow
We woke up too

Late to see.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

And now some (urgent) almost-quarterly resolutions...

I will not sulk. Not, not, not.
I will not regret. Not at all!
I will check pages before collecting photocopies.
I will make sure my cell is sometimes switched off!
I will not have un-occasional ice-creams.
I will say no, no matter what who feels.
I will not miss breafkfast.
I will be a patient listener, let others talk!
I will stick to two teas a day.
I will reach my targets each day.
I will go on impromptu walks, like before.
I will love myself even more! :)