The power of words!
The power of ‘power’ itself!
Have a look around you…
The air is full of them.
There they are…on the roads, on the walls, on your table…and in your head!
You walk, you eat, you dream, you shout…
All in a pool of words…
My closet too is full of them…
They tumble upon me as I open it…
Oh no…I don’t like them all…only the heavy ones…
I too am a connoisseur you know…
Justice, rationality, equality and right!
They are my favorites…
Well-chosen you say? Indeed…
Multi-purpose, multi-dimensional…well-fitting altogether…
But I use them sparingly…keeping them safely in a clean wooden drawer…
There are many who are after them!
‘Justice’ has a noble sound to it…
‘Rationality’ stands out on the page!
‘Equality’ has a pacifying effect…irons out the creases on foreheads…
And ‘Right’?…gives you a sense of your might?
You are right!
And even as I talk and talk…spilling them unheedingly…their price shoots up!
So let me check my drawer again…may be someone’s after them…
Justice, rationality, equality and might…
Who will possibly buy them for me again?
Oh no one…!
Words are powerful…so here I go!
Seeking ‘power’ in a pool of words…
Inside my clean, wooden drawer…
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