Saturday, June 12, 2010


I am now confident that I could beat Hamlet anyday in a Soliloquy competition. I could even beat him in the "To be or not to be" Challenge.
I am not confused though. My category is often that of the sheer dumb. Often, the most obvious things are not obvious to me. People expect more. Especially, when you tell them you delve in Literature.
But, life doesn't dance in books. It catches you in strange alleys, dark lanes, unprecedented turns. You are just not prepared. Not for change. Not for realizations. One merely hopes the world is getting enlightened. People are becoming wiser. A new path is being envisioned and followed somewhere, by somebody. But, we do not allow these notions to pin us, mark us, as individuals. As a lone human being we go on living same lives. Exact, difficult, unbending, unlearnt.
How then will change arrive? Who will let it touch his/her life? Not me...I am the sheer dumb. I know not. I want not. I cannot. Misery has its ways of becoming a comfort zone. In it these Hamlets shall dwell...

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