Who shall have the upper hand?
Or shall we say the final hand?
This is the land of the confident masks…masks piled on masks…
No…they are not people…simply masks!
Masks that laugh, masks that giggle, masks that command, masks that stoop!
You thought you saw a human being beneath?
Sorry! those days have passed…
No flesh, no bones, no blood, no pulse…only masks meeting masks.
So who shall win the battle in this land of the masks?
Can masks attempt to unmask each other?
I ponder at this and laugh…
A wait in cold numbness…who dares to ask?
The battle gets underway…an unending task…
I witness it today…tomorrow…the year after…and centuries pass…
I am the wisest…the shrewdest…why? Do you ask?
I did not act…did not judge…did not rise…did not walk…
The only mask who never joined the muddle…
Never felt the need to unmask!
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