When yellow leaves stretch themselves on pavements,
Welcoming every step of your lonely stroll…
When the fragrance of the revived gulmohar
Follows you unfailingly, through familiar lanes and by-lanes…
That time of the year when misty mornings
Arouse old memories, enveloping life with sweet melancholy…
When the sun becomes kinder…merely kissing the skin
With its honeyed warmth.
A time when the buzz of the city calls out loud…
Making your isolated poise more special, more picturesque…
When strange, small, colorful birds greet you in parks,
And even twitter impatiently…waiting for your nod!
A time when life slows down…waiting for you to admire its new dress…
A time when happiness hides in nooks…breathless,
Excited…nervously wanting to be found…
That time of the year that pushes you unawares…with its quick hands,
Into dreams of a perfect world…
Its that time of the year when words disobey your commands…
Impulsively dancing into tender, meandering poems…
That very time of the year again…when you long to be happy...and yes...forever.
A time of the year…that waves good-bye too soon…
Deserting you abruptly…
Amidst those silent yellow leaves and the scent of the moody gulmohar…
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