On pausing one might sometimes notice how extraordinarily moments are stringed into an oridnary life- moments good and bad, of various colours. With time they all become rainbow-coloured, with time one knows they had meant more, even been precious.
Each thing, each person possesses his "being-ness", uniqueness, essence, may be something like Hopkins's idea of Inscape. How do you replace the icy, orange, excessively sweet taste of the orange-bar clinging to a bare, thin stick? Bad example, I guess, but its fresh in my memory so... :)! Two ways: You think of the next thing on your l-like-list, or, you simply take any other flavour, it doesn't matter that much...
A third one?...Either the glistening, orange-wrapped, tangy sweetness of your dear orange bar...or nothing!:)
Vague, sense-less deliberations!
Well...Seven minutes are over!!!!! ;)
i can see the effect of the paper writing session;)
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