Thursday, December 31, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009
Parallel Lines...
"Which is precisely my idea of your escapist handling of things...you walk away from it all...or you live for today...indulge and splurge...or you choose to sit on a pile of melancholy and grudges...claiming to have moved one...an enlightened soul..."
"That's your perception...the one you're trying to force on my life...One need not act all the time...one cannot know it all...who knows what is right, what is wrong?...the important thing is not to be judgemental..."
"By which you imply that I am being hasty, judgemental and critical?...Demanding, Rigid...and the lot...?But I don't see how your liberal living and free thinking is bringing any happiness to anyone you know...apart from your great self of course..."
"Lets not turn ourselves into Gods...sitting on high thrones...allocating happiness.What's a standard happiness anyway?...In the end, we will all live and die...How can one talk for all? We will have to live alone...gathering our own experiences..."
"And so you sit back on your bed...?Abandon all the stupid lot...them all?...except of course those faithful bottles in your room...the crumpled clothes denoting all thats absurd...? Walking away is indeed not a fancy tag-line...its a wise way of life."
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Birthday...Another One...
Birthday..important...very much!!! So the smell of the new kurti and those anticipated, much-awaited calls..that quick, ceremonious, early-morning encounter in the temple with Gods...those messages of 'long-lost-but-never-lost' friends, the smell of cream and choclate on palms all day...those surprises unrolling warmly and the happy tiredness of having smiled and been the 'good-girl' all day! :)
Gifts, friends, treats...
An older, wiser soul? I wish!! :)
Friday, October 30, 2009
The one I often recall to wipe grief.
I have stiched those days into
That gray coat I put on at dusk.
Night falls on my skin
Bringing flakes of a sad lost dream
So I surrender one more time
To that orange nostalgia
Tracing it in the Sun by my window,
Till you come to me
With your boat towards the promised horizon.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Over-the-top! ;)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Crashing Down
Unimpressive Metaphysics,
Six unanswered messages,
A couple of ignored calls.
That dry conversation,
Those weak words turning into flakes.
Wriness- cold and certain,
Predictable cynicism,
Fresh-grown smirks.
That slight whiff of contempt,
All those assurances
Etched in white on white...
And Condescension, Whim, Stubborness?
Please do not forget them.
Them All...
They are Ours.
Only Ours,
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Yellow Hibiscus
Yellow Hibiscus.
That very yellow...the assuring one.
Not pale, not too bright.
Just that calm,
Just that sensitive enough.
I love your vulnerability,
Your not-smelling smell,
Moves me.
Gives me a little hope,
That you won't smile,
That you won't frown,
That you won't want,
That you won't command,
You will last neutrally
Just that long,
Yellow Hibiscus...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Wake Up...

Friday, September 4, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Life this way...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Independence comes...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Unclear dreams that hung hopefully
All night by the pillow,
And type, merely type
One’s breath out
All day…
To stare at the blank walls
Of coffee shops on Sundays,
To find in them a mate
That cannot speak.
To memorize smells of
Favorite trees
To sit tight-lipped
And recall the touch
Of a distant breeze…
Can you determine?
Can you think?
No soul, no heart
Not even a hand for you.
Just a whim
Like those
Cigarette smoke and rings…
The desire to parcel
Life off in glass bottles,
Across oceans, across streams…
Disown pain, weakness, bitterness, spite
For that drip-drop-drip happiness
Incidentally, a taste you may not like…
Friday, July 24, 2009
The best often die by their own hand
just to get away,
and those left behind
can never quite understand
why anybody
would ever want to
get away
Charles Bukowski
Sway With Me-
sway with me, everything sad --
madmen in stone houses
without doors,
lepers steaming love and song
frogs trying to figure
the sky;
sway with me, sad things --
fingers split on a forge
old age like breakfast shell
used books, used people
used flowers, used love
I need you
I need you
I need you:
it has run away
like a horse or a dog,
dead or lost
or unforgiving.
Charles Bukowski
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Finally it rained! ;)
A rocket-fast rickshaw
One possessed rickshawala
Clouds and heavy drizzle
The wide wide Pusa road
A zillion speed breakers
Half-a-zillion pot-holes
Two cups of boiling tea...
A plate of hot noodles
Three samosas
A Dhokla
Chutney of course
Two crazy girls
And a grand feast on the rickshaw!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Gone with the...scissors...
The spell broke with the hot blast of the dryer on my face. Over and out. I looked hard in the mirror finally. Not bad. Interesting. Can I say…good? I was almost pleased.
And then, as I walked out, I saw those many strands lying abandoned on the floor. Poor souls. Brown and fine. I touched my hair…recalling their smell and their touch. Gone… :(
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Those embers aglow,
Uncertain, Unsure...
There...just about it.
That sad hostility,
Mocking that confusion the other feels...
No lessons learnt,
None left to teach.
Why does it happen this way?
I wonder...
Annihilating together,
Perishing asunder...
Lets begin again,
Set them properly to fire,
Or put out that whimsicality,
Their half-stitched, orangish attire....
Saturday, July 11, 2009
And keep it in your fist
Till I open it
The next time.
We could sit and talk for a while,
Leaving the Sun to rise and set
A hundred times,
Smile and think of floating memories
Of happy days,
Of happy hours,
Of Journeys of thousand miles…
Draw for me a new sunset then,
With rays everlasting, truthful, fragile…
I will carry for you my bag of moist colors
To weave that promised, new sunrise…
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Breaking the clouds into a dozen
Anonymous pattern…
Tells me to let go
And trace the scattered pieces of Life
Wherever they lie…
To just keep a handful of Time
And live uncounted days
Like eternity’s happy embrace…
Here it is…life…always.
There…it never was.
To breathe was never enough,
The rest I am incapable of….
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The train was empty. Thankfully, Dilshad Garden was the last station…
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Each Morning...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I love the wide, wide roads, the chat and paneer tikka, the green, lush parks with the Dhillon and Bindra aunties in chiffon salwars and Reebok shoes…the slim, slim maidens with baby clips and i-pods intact…markets full of lovely earrings, shoes, bags..(err…here I go! )...all very colorful indeed…to the extent of a slight overdose…
But the breeze here hardly picks up…like the mad gust in Calcutta…there are hardly any road-side golgappa shops…rickshaws aren’t that great either…and there are of course no Calcutta-mark Mishti Doi and Rassagolla available...These are testing times I say!
Chopra Aunty is great! I love her temper and her jhappis...The only problem is her Tommy (Tommy dear, I have been with many sweet pets…but you’re the rowdiest of all Tommies I have ever seen…)...her son comes a close second…read my blog you…(did anyone say moron?)…and see how I can’t stand you for some reason…
I have just about begun loving this independence…the impromptu cooking of French-fries at 2 a.m., the rounds of carom all night, the discussions, agony-aunt sessions, confessions till dawn, learning up the varieties of mangoes and buying them after haggling too!...not to forget Chopra Aunty’s recipes of Butter Chicken and Dahi Chicken, which, by-the-way, I don’t need being a veggie…
I am of course the same…though I did land up here thinking I was a naayika straight out of a Sarat Chandra novel…going to live stoically, quietly, in self-exile…but some things never change…so here I go…jabbering again…working, shopping…cooking….of course putting up with neighbors in florescent-orange night-gowns…and Chopra Aunty’s recipes and lo!...I hear our dear, ol’ Tommy barking again…
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
A blank question I often exchange
With my soul
That nearly chokes itself
At the sound of those tainted songs…
What else will matter
Here on…?
When it all blew away steadily
And the carcasses of memory
Now stand as dead paperweights?
How do others smile?
All the time?
Heal and hurt by turns
And still survive?
How does one empty
The obstinate mind?
How does one relieve
The burdened soul?
When Life questions you each day…
When barrenness greets each breath
Like never before.
They stand now….darkly…
Those happy, belated days
Like the blueprints of what crumbled
And died…
Were we always weak?
Or were they unreal days?
Let me pretend to live on…
Let me pull up the curtains
And bring in the light…
But I see the sorrows hanging
All over the walls…
They speak of the unalterable
Unchangeable defects in my Life…
Monday, June 15, 2009
I have been like a pensive, wandering bird these days... simply breathing in the air, letting my wings spread...too numb to think of those I bade goodbye to...of things I had folded up and locked in my nest...
Your call made my day! Your voice took me back to my old skin...those days...the bustling city of colorful buses, the campus, the bridge, the green grass, the umbrellas, the corridors...I could smell the air of the canteen again...our trips and misadventures...tales of sorrows, jealousies, misunderstandings and heart-breaks...old love and old wounds :)
When will I be back? The only thing you wanted to know...so do I...
I feel the way you feel...I feel the pull of our happy bond...the days of vanilla skies and fresh dreams...the happy happy group of dreamy souls...the maddening urge to pour my heart to you all...and to listen to your little/not-so-little stories, tales, joys, anxities...
This is for you my bestest, caring friends...and my dear Alahomora...I see we are in the canteen again...or lets say...City Center? ;)
Do I need to say how I miss... all the time?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Red and Yellow
The fountain we were watching...
Red and Yellow,
Red and Yellow....
Were they symbolic?
The Lights?
Did they show me your colour and mine?
Red and Yellow
Washed down the fountain,
Or was it up and away that things went?
Things that buried our yesterdays,
Tainted the tomorrows.
I sat alone by the fountain today...
Clean and healthy it stood
Dancing at me,
Mocking at me,
Laughing at me,
The white of its calmness in tact...
The water safe in its furrow.
I know, I know
We took with us the Red and the Yellow,
The today, the tomorrow,
Burnt, scathed, scarred
I now hoard the orange sorrow.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
That which was there yesterday has changed...
You can ask me, but can I tell...
May be its just the new,yellow air, or the unfamiliar smell of eucalyptus.
May be its my heart again, or the senses feeling a little perplexed.
The faces, the rooms, the lanes and the noise...
They add up to something I cannot call mine.
Only your words remain, your voice and your name
To take things along...things I need to call
My Life.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
99- first time
Sliding Doors- first again
27 Dresses- first time
The Secret Window- second…
Notting Hill- (second...I think so…Hugh Grant….rest don’t’ quite rem…)
Hitch- second
Forrest Gump- (200th)
Monalisa Smile- err…third…
Oceans Eleven- 2nd
Jerry Maguire- 5th time I guess
The Departed- 2nd..don’t know why I saw though!
Alex and Emma (200th show!)
P.S. - My deepest prayers…may I always have movies around me!! :)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I need not run with others
I can make it being slow.
I can count on myself
All the time
There’s no balm
That my own hands cannot provide.
No joy, no pleasures,
No hopes that need to be denied
Only some milestones waiting
Till Life is again on my side.
I prepare again to dream
I will not trudge
I wish to fly this time.
I will tell tyrant Time…
The decisions I make now.
Epiphanies I provide…
I can hear them calling aloud
My Happiness of yore…
Desires that are there again
Winds of change waiting to blow…
Just this night to pass
Just this narrow road
And then the wide wide path
Of a new Sun, new morrow.
I will join you Life,
I will embrace you too…
I call out to you World…
I will build my home anew….
Friday, May 22, 2009
Still bleary-eyed, I saw him outside the window, waving a bye to me…What for? I turned to the post-card. Three Gurus lined-up…one after another…in sacred...pass-port size photos…Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ram Chandra Paramhans, and Baba Lokenath…or so I later identified these bearded/unbearded,/turbaned men to be…
I did not know what symbolic meaning lay ahead of me…what journey…what revelation…the whole day I kept waiting for something strange…bizarre…new….to happen to me… in the market, on the road, in the bus, at work, in the library, home, kitchen….anywhere!...and bed-time came too!...Nothing happened…
And I am still waiting….;-)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Heart of the Matter
Perhaps the sweetness of renaming people into pet-versions is also missing in me. I take you as ‘YOU’. I do not want your meek, weak, fragile version. Nor do I give you mine to carry. May be that does not provide the right amount of angst. It might even dangerously bring in some happiness that is so unsettling to that nature. A happiness that is ever so plain, non-euphoric. Yet it remains unpalatable, uncomfortable. It’s the vague, irresponsible, ‘pain game’ that should prevail…
Of course, I have always cherished being there. I can love in my own way. Through the seasons of pain. However, I do not want fragility and gloom as conditions for giving my affection and support. I will give them always. Just like that. They have always been there. Without the right lines. Without the histrionics. And perhaps that makes them invisible, unnoticed, unacknowledged, insignificant. It is not gift-wrapped. It cannot be…like the Sunshine that just intruded in your room- unnoticed, unasked and unwanted.
Dear friend, you say people bring about painful circumstances for people…uncaring and slightly self-centred perhaps…so you pay…No. I chose, wanted, shared, went through…My judgment, my choices, my foresight or the lack of it….Self-critique, Accountability, Lessons. Yes, they will do the work for me. Always.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Not that my life began to revolve around them…but they became an integral part of the scene outside my flat. So while climbing the stairs, I would imagine them jumping across their shelter with ears standing up…and I would tap my shoes and see them go round and round in a tizzy….a fond ceremony it became….I could feel they anticipated my antics each time I was around….
But more than me, they were busy with each other….the fatter one burnt his calories by chasing the thinner one…I sometimes felt it mumbled to the other about each passer-by….Didn’t they get bored in there…of each other…of chasing round-and-round…of talking?...What garrulous…lost…busy souls! They went on and on and on in each other’s company….Phew!
And one day, as I came up…there was just the thin one there….sleeping, I thought. May be, the other one was hiding behind…may be it was freshening up somewhere…may be it was eating out…may be it was snoozing...may be. But, I soon came to know it was dead. And a closer look at the thin one made me realize it was shell-shocked. I tapped my feet…clapped unceasingly…made a dozen faces…antics… all that I could think of… it just didn’t move.
I came home…I will not say my life was shattered….but I felt a strange discomfort …an unrest…a heaviness…time and again I would put myself in the shoes of that lonely rabbit and try feeling the difference in its life. I couldn’t even do that…I didn’t want to be in its shoes. It was too scary. It was overwhelmingly sad. What will it do now? Where will it go? Whom will it talk to? There were too many bad, empty, painful questions. So, I let it be.
We have an understanding again…I don’t tap...it doesn’t respond.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Right Card....
One sultry afternoon I landed at a dingy sarkari make-shift office in far-flung part of Calcutta. Even as I approached some Babus enjoying a bidi-adda session in their chairs, I could see their expressions change. It was the most heinous crime I could have committed, arriving at three when they were supposed to call it a day at five! “Heavy late!..heavy late!”…two of them mumbled….
“Ei Baba!...Photo nei?” one of the five officers gasped…looking at my Id form….The job of putting the photo there was optional, I tried to explain… "So Bhat?”- another replied, if they don’t see my face, how would they locate me in the area list? But wasn’t I in front of them already?...I exclaimed, exasperated. Surely I was being logical??
It had been some 7-8 minutes already in that dingy, hot den…and I could feel the drop of sweat tricking down my cheek, as the portable fans were turned exclusively in the direction of the babus. No more formalities. I pulled a chair and sat down. And soon paid the price. They handed me down about 10 sets of voter lists of separate blocks of the municipality, and asked me to hunt my name out…written obviously in chaste Bangla! Me poor soul….having bid Banlga bye-bye in the 8th standard…tried conjuring mental images of the bangla alphabets that would form my name and began my mad hunt through those maddening papers….ten…fifteen….twenty…thirty minutes and I saw my name written in all glory!
“Here”. I stood up, handing the paper, trying to sound as pissed, miffed, caustic, sullen as possible… "where?” one of them accosted me as I tried leaving….Oh yes…I was forgetting to get my photo clicked for the card. There stood a reed-thin photographer in a pink shirt with the saddest looking digital camera in the world!...Already out of patience, I wanted him to simply go through the motions…but, but, but…. “Your hair…madam…” he pointed out to the few misguided strands…”your complexion”…he pointed to the drops on my forehead…trying to do a Mona Lisa… “its perfect!”- I almost stamped my feet…and then the blinding flash came down…and I left….
I saw my ghost finally when my card was handed out a fortnight later. But, but, but…I got it done people!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Farther Away...
How weird it sounds…unreal, ‘out-of-the-world’ kind… Yes it does. But I promise you its true. You can look into the mirror and see those fine wrinkles, those dark patches under your gray eyes, a witness to the toil you do…a toil you no more have a reason for… that’s death. Silent and growing.
The dreams have abandoned your sleepy brain as you simply notice the dirty sheet you wake up on and that clock that pushes you towards oblivion. The scariest part is to lose those important words. They are naked now…barren…single-colored…eliciting no response. He doesn’t clap, doesn’t laugh, doesn’t notice. And you move just an inch closer to death.
It all passes by you each day. You begin to wonder how you lived in those belated days, when the breath came easy and the smile reappeared often. It makes you bitter. The falsity of the effort grows. The purpose of the talk fades away. And you clutch that finality. The finality of standing on the nadir. You can clap.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Weekly Off!
Suddenly on a hot Tuesday morning, they would spot me snug and happy in bed till ten!...I would stroll deliberately in front of them with a cup of lazy tea. “My chutti you see…” and they would give me red, hostile looks and move on…the peace, the contentment that I felt….to see them rush out of home in a mad dizzy, crib about the heat and dust outside and return late tired. And then I would narrate my grand account of merriment on a comfortable day. The books I read, the movies I saw, the impromptu meal I rustled up, the unplanned, multiple naps I caught…blah and blah and blah…it of coursed irritated them, some even threatened to kill me…but there was no taking away my sense of victory! How I look forward to my weekly offs now…just hold my temper and work on bleary Saturdays…and wait for the manna dew that lands in my plate on a Windy Wednesday, Tangy Thursday or Filmy Friday! :)
Holiday home…its a battlefield! ;)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
At Dawn...
Her eyes opened to the patter of raindrops outside the window. The room was unnaturally dark for that hour…one of those Calcutta days when the dawn imitates the dusk. She couldn’t bring herself to leave the bed. The clean white blanket won her heart all over again and she hid her face deep into it. It was indeed the hour of contemplation; the early morning breeze, dampened by the rain outside, invited reflection. The calm of the violet dawn and the twitter of unprepared birds moved her soul.
Staring at the ceiling, her mind traveled back to the events of the last week. She could now think of it as a whirlwind that had culminated in the storm last night. And now this placid morn. How far they had traveled from each other, in a matter of days. Years had crumbled into nothing. Simply nothing. One of those swaying, powerful stretches of time that take away memories and emotions, feelings and sentiments, foresight and forgiveness. It was a battlefield all the way. They had turned themselves into brainless warriors feeding on false pride and reasons. Nothing could hold them back then. They had geared up to carry it far…just a little behind the Greeks and Trojans. She sighed deeply, closed her eyes and murmured to her battered soul-“it would be fine; she was right”…and then the soul betrayed her. Her pillow was briskly dampened by those heavy drops that gushed down from her eyes. She felt bitter. Not with the world, not with him, not with them. It was simply a heavy, self-critical heart. And she despised her tears. To come out that early! At dawn…
She got up and walked to the balcony. It stood deserted and dark. She had abandoned it these days. There was no need to hide in its corner and scribble. Letters weren’t needed anymore, songs never sung. It had been weeks since she had peeped into the nest it its roof, or been in company of the lazy cat. Its all gone. She told herself. The best and the sweetest part of my life. I have cut it off. If only she could say these without the watery response from her eyes, without that sinking feeling in her heart. She knew she would be fine then. That was indeed the sign. Pitying her melodramatic soul, she tried to scrub the sentiments out of her face. The mirror stood over the washbasin. And for once, she couldn’t smile.
“I will be back.” - She said to it and sat down to write.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
But why should I fear the rod? Why should I get it anyway? Am I that weak? That helpless? That cowardly? I suddenly feel moved and firm. Time to decide then? Well, yes. How does one do that? One who can bunch the same number of pros and cons? I know the loss I know the gain. And I am never prepared for the pain. So why budge, why change, why choose, why decide? Why not let those atoms just touch you mildly and pass by, into the unknown future. Swim on…day to day…will you meek soul?
No. Because, sometimes, the random, berserk atoms hit you hard, catch you off-guard, break your bones and scratch your muscles too. They bend you down, tie you up, blind your view. The omnipresent salt is rubbed in too, as you try swimming across the sea of life and agony. Poor, inconsolable you.
Spare yourself, love yourself, stay afloat, challenge the sea. Drink in the salt; pour it out. Wipe your eyes, face the Sun. But do decide. Decide to live life in your own, stubborn, gritty way. Tame the vicissitudes.
Friday, March 27, 2009
I am wiping it then….
I know it…
I can see the algae surrounding me…
All the green, oozing wilderness….I created
My achievement, my wealth…
They don’t let me breathe and dream.
The other day I woke up
When my dreams were suffocated
I caught the dampness in my palms….
My achievement, my wealth…
My web, my illusion…
Its not a call for help…
Its not a sigh of loneliness…
Its not the white flag…
My achievement, my wealth…
The treacherous greenness
Worse than the simplicity of death…
Keep away, stay apart…
The cowardice of the blind day…
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Exhale…sigh, bitterness, words, inhibition, tears, complaints, noise, crash, soot, smirk, gasp, venom…
Desire to hide…I need an ostrich neck…
Clipped wings…dry legs…dry eyes…
Sometimes the ridiculous isn’t ridiculous enough…
And you aren’t dead till you die…
Friday, February 27, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Folding Up...
Each day Time teaches me an old lesson
Withered and unclear on the white paper
Of the diary…
Will my moonstruck talk please?
I ask you…
Let no answer drop from your lips…
There are gestures of pain
Woven into our life and love
That tell me to take heed…
They say take your heart too.
The one that is stale and hardened now
Hide it in your small fist…
But do not move your soul more than an inch.
Warm it near the logs one more time
Its the needle touch of the iceberg tip…
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
There are these thoughts...there are these sentiments...and there are these steady set of feelings...some coloured hopes and some sepia-toned expectations. 'Tantalizing' is not the term, 'unfulfilled' sounds too strong..."unhappy" is inappropriate and "unsure" is not quite that too...Its this wierd sense of hesitancy,numbness, apprehension...like that ticklish sensation in your tummy...that stops you right at the last tumbling minute...depriving you of the adventure-ride...that you so dearly want...a warming of those thin ears and that mild restlessness of the soft-beating heart... you know you act really dumb!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Abuzz with those same million sooty questions.
They chase me through the labyrinthine ways
Of my own dreams, demanding those hidden cloistered answers.
The last time that I had seen that face near the brown broken wall
I had promised it those answers I left folded in your trunk.
Now come back to me with them and save me from their eerie shadows
Those that have taken their abode under my weak window.
The damp walls of my rooms cannot parch their thirsty throats.
They want those names- mine and yours.
Shrewd promises of last summer prop their mutilated heads again,
And Spring comes lamely with its bag of false yellow hopes.
Come and tell them, it wasn’t my plan to mislead-
It was the wicked woman Destiny that led us on the wrong road…
Help me unpack my heavy bags of bricks and memories
Let us give them back to the hungry red river of yore.
Save me from surrendering on this rusty dead journey
The shadows are indeed dark and wise; you leave me again…stranded on the road.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Essay on My Family :) :
My sister has been away for three years now; my brother will be out to a new city too. I cannot miss them enough here, so I will go away too.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Everything heals...with time. Which is good or bad? Good, becuase you have to live...bad, because you thought you would hold on longer. Does that surprise you? Startle I mean? No...it only makes me restless for sometime and then I lie back and accept the blatant truth...that they mutter all the time...till it reeks from books, pages, mouths and so many channels...Time is the GREATEST healer...To TIME I give it!
Monday, January 5, 2009
A Meeting.
She was nervous, darkly intelligent and mildly sullen. Yes, that was the flavor of her temper, well almost. Pauses and perfunctory questions took their usual place as the two wearied each other out. The coffee, the TV. set, the boisterous moms, the noisy children, something should have rescued them.
Was there anything else to put on the table? Who wanted? Who cared?
She fidgeted a little more than she had…six...right…six months back. The ears turned scarlet for sure and the poised smile stuck. Her hair of course had grown longer…So what? He knew better….
Probably, she was meeting his glances more frequently this time, making him expectant of some unexpected adventure, the thrill he sought everywhere. He was still to decide on what to wear…his familiar chuckle or the grin.
“Okay…I need to this time around….”
“Hmm…yeah...sure…what?” He waited intelligently.
Her cup was empty, her eyes full with their decided whiteness…big and unwavering. He knew she would not be inhibited for once. The small hands threw the dark hair back, making way for her words:
“I choose to breathe easy….”
“I choose to walk away…”
The skirt swept the chair like a dream. She was out of his sight…yes…forever.